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By Jon David Miller, natural health wellness educator and author
A majority of Americans older than 25 are overweight, and the number is climbing, according to a Harris Poll released Tuesday, March 4, 2002, and it's a deadly trend!
Survey Results
Surveyors interviewed 1,011 Americans 18 and older between January 16 and 21. Poll results show that 80 percent of people older than 25 are overweight based on the Body Mass Index (BMI), a national guideline computed through a combination of weight and height. That figure has risen from 71 percent in 1995, 64 percent in 1990 and 58 percent in 1983.
Thirty-three percent of adults are 20 percent overweight -- more than double the number in 1983 -- when the figure was 15 percent. Results showed that 16 percent of U.S. adults in 1990 were 20 percent overweight and 22 percent in 1995 were 20 percent overweight.
A BMI of under 25 is considered normal, while 25 to 29.9 is deemed overweight and 30 and more is obese. For example, a 5-foot-7 person weighing 140 pounds would have a BMI of about 22, while one weighing 180 pounds would have a BMI of more than 28.
So many kids today spend their time playing video games, watching TV or sitting in front of the computer. Beyond the effect of too many hours in an electronic field, these children are not getting the physical activity that they need to be slim and fit. Exercise is extremely important to the development of their muscles and bones as well.
Further, the amount of "empty calorie" junk foods consumed by children is out of control. Many children have routine opportunities to choose poor quality "junk" foods based on taste, packaging, brand advertising, and peer example. Children with disposable funds of their own, purchase an excessive amount of candy, soda pop,
chips, etc.
If the amounts of consumed junk food were tracked, and statistics were kept, such as percentage of the diet and the size of the child, important lessons might be learned. To consume large amounts of low-quality foods during the years when a child is growing and developing their organs and physical structure, seems likely to
produce a less healthy and possibly overweight body.
Involvement Of Schools
Schools do not have as much physical education and other physical activity as they used to have. On the other hand, there is more junk food sold in schools than ever. Beyond that, many children bring candy to school and sneak it into their mouths all day long. The consequences in terms of poor behavior in the present, and other problems years later, are profound.Weight Problems
About 1 out of 3 children in America is overweight. The number of children at least 20% overweight is double what it was 20 years ago. A qualified physician or other health care practitioner can help determine if a child is overweight.On average, Black female children, are substantially more likely to be heavy than other children. There seems to be a correlation between that and a Black cultural view that a woman's attractiveness is not lessened by a little extra weight. In a study by the University of Arizona in 1995, Black girls were not as likely to think that heaviness looked bad.
The detrimental effects on health of greater overweight conditions in children include: fatty liver, premature menstruation in girls, asthma and diabetes. The increases in these last two in children are shocking. They are clearly related to the greater obesity.Diabetes
Type 2, "adult onset" diabetes began appearing in children about 20 years ago. In the last 10 years the number of children with it has increased by a multiple of 4. The primary causes are the widespread over-consumption of soda pop, candy and other sweets and refined carbohydrates, and the lack of exercise.When children with Type 2 diabetes improve their diet and pursue adequate exercise, the diabetes can be cleared up. However, when they resort again to indulging the sweets and lay off the exercise, the diabetes returns.
It is difficult to control a child's diet for them. They must be convinced of the importance of it, so they make good choices for themselves. The earlier they learn what is good, the better.
Over the years, diabetes can lead to heart attacks and strokes at an early age, blindness, foot and leg amputations, and kidney failure --requiring dialysis.
Obese Children -- Obese Adults
Most obese children are sooner or later obese as adults. Those who remain obese in adulthood will have a greater likelihood of cancer and heart disease as well as high blood pressure and stroke, in addition to diabetes. Gall stones are more likely as well.
As mentioned earlier, 33% of adults are 20 percent or more overweight. Many of these were overweight as children.
Weight Control For Children
A child under two years old should not be restricted in fat intake, and no child should be severely limited, as fat is needed for growth and brain development.
The best fat is Omega 3 fatty acid, which is seriously deficient in the common diet. It is found in the oil of flaxseeds and in certain fish, especially cod, mackeral, halibut, sardines, and salmon.
Parents should encourage a healthier lifestyle. In terms of diet, begin by restricting intake of "empty calorie" junk foods. Provide and promote a nutritious diet, including primarily vegetables, fruits, and high quality protein foods (needed for growing bodies).
Unsalted nuts and seeds, fresh fruits and unsulfured dried fruits, cut veggies, low fat yogurt (without sugar or aspartame), and a good granola (also without sugar), make wholesome snack alternatives.
Limit hours of sedentary play such as TV, computer and video games; and promote walking, bicycling and other physical activities. Parents can go on an enjoyable daily walk or bike ride with children. You can also engage in sports activities together, including slightly competitive events -- races, basketball games, etc. Children really enjoy these times with parents.
Most importantly, help children learn to value health and fitness, not only so they will feel better and have greater self esteem, but also so that they develop an eye for their own future, in that what they do now will have later consequences.
Fat Cells
Once fat cells are developed they remain in the body. Even though these cells may have the excess fat burned out of them through a healthy regimen of good eating and exercise, they can rapidly fill with fat again. If one begins eating more than they burn off in metabolism, the extra will go to fat more readily in a person with residual fat cells than a person who has never been overweight.
U.S. Surgeon General David Satcher has declared obesity America's soon-to-be-number one killer. In December, 2001 he put out a "call to action" in which he said obesity would soon be responsible for more preventable disease and death than cigarettes. He then called on Americans to overhaul their lifestyles and diets by eating healthier and exercising more in order to combat obesity.
Modifying the concept of personal responsibility he said, "People tend to think of overweight and obesity as strictly a personal matter, but there is much that communities can and should do to address these problems."
Medical Costs & Lives Lost
As justification for his call to arms, Dr. Satcher blamed obesity as a factor in 300,000 American deaths a year and at a cost of $117 billion in 2000. Obesity is an independent risk factor or an aggravating condition for more than 30 medical conditions, including:Arthritis:
Osteoarthritis of knee and hip
Rheumatoid arthritis
Breast Cancer (in both women & men)
Cancer of the Esophagus
Stomach Cancer
Colorectal Cancer
Endometrial Cancer
Renal Cell Cancer
Cardiovascular Disease:
Heart Attack
Heart Disorders
Chronic Venous Insufficiency
Vein Thrombosis
Impaired Immune Response:
Colds & Flu
Systemic Infections
Infections Of Wounds
Other Ailments:
Renal Disease
Urinary Stress & Incontinence
Gallbladder Disease
Liver Disease
Type 2 Diabetes
Impaired Respiratory Function
Low Back Pain
Obstetric & Gynecological Complications
Surgical Complications
Dental Problems
Birth Defects
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Sleep Apnea
Daytime Sleepiness (Narcolepsy)
Weight-Control Is "In""If Americans were to make the effort to manage their weight using a variety of options, including better nutrition, more exercise, approved medications or even surgical approaches, we would be rewarded with significantly better health," said a statement issued by Dr. Louis Aronne, an authority on obesity at Cornell University's Weill Medical College in New York.
Sixty percent of the people surveyed in the Harris Poll said they would like to lose weight, including 72 percent of those who are overweight.
Fifty-eight percent of adults said they have made a serious attempt to lose weight. Among those are 65 percent who are overweight.
"Fat-Free" Foods Can Be Fattening!
Fat-free or low fat foods are popular. You see "lite", "fat-free", and "no fat" on many products today such as chips, crackers, yogurt, ice cream, cookies, and pastry items.
Yet most of these have sugar and/or other carbohydrates that make the calories just about as high. Do not make the mistake of assuming these are "diet foods" that will be less fattening.
The American Heart Association is publicly accusing low-fat and non-fat food products for having a major role in the national epidemic of obesity. According to Reuters news service, the author of an AHA paper on the matter, Dr. Judith Wylie-Rosett of New York's Albert Einstein College of Medicine, stated, "Too often we forget about limiting the quantity when a product is promoted as low-fat."
She offers these suggestions:
- Read the nutritional content on labels. Look for the number of calories per SERVING.
- Avoid "fat-free" food products. Eat mostly fresh fruits, vegetables and other foods rich in fiber. These taste good and fill you up, and they have little or no fat and no added sugar.
- Consider "fat-free" desserts and snacks to be fattening and only eat them as an occasional treat.
Weight Control GuidanceAs a guideline, try to get 50-60 percent of your calories from carbohydrates (primarily fruits, vegetables and whole grains), 15-20 percent from proteins, and 20-30 percent from fats. Adults should limit calories to about 2000 per day or less, unless you are fit and engaging in strenuous activity.
Further, a natural weight-management supplement program can help greatly.
I have been in the natural health field for 30 years. From way back in the early days of "health foods", it has been commonly known that kelp (esp. the variety, fucus vesiculosus), Vitamin B6, apple cider vinegar and "linseed oil" (aka flax oil) were good natural aids to weight control.
Kelp is rich in minerals, and is a high source of iodine. It stimulates the thyroid gland. Those with known thyroid problems, especially hyperactivity, should consult their health practitioner before using kelp. (NOTE: Thyroid glandular supplements from pigs and cattle have also been used to stimulate the thyroid for weight control and other purposes, though I do not advocate it.)
Vitamin B-6 is a metabolic stimulator.
Cider vinegar is a cleanser, and also can break up fat deposits.
Flax oil and the Essential Fatty Acid, Alpha Linolenic Acid (ALA) that it provides, helps to emulsify or "melt away" other fats so they can move out of storage and be burned. Further, flax oil is one of the most nutritious oils. It is the best food for ALA, source of crucially needed Omega 3 fats.
Some of the most successful weight loss programs have utilized (linseed) flax oil, but the high quality whole milled flax seed I recommend is much better. It is guaranteed fresh and NOT rancid (as extracted oil is), and has a 45% oil content.
The fat-binding properties of fiber from flax seed, guar gum or psyllium seed hulls interfere with the absorption of the emulsified fat from the small intestine. Fiber absorbs some of the fats and cholesterol in the diet and moves them through the intestines, reducing absorption. The bound fat molecules are then eliminated.
Fiber also slows down sugar absorption, which helps to maintain blood sugar levels already within the normal range. It also swells with fluid intake, promoting a feeling of satiety, curbing appetite and
improving elimination.(NOTE: Visit FlaxFood.com to read more about flax and the best flaxseed available.)
Another great food for a period of attempting weight-loss is watermelon. It fills you up without heavy calories, and it is good for both urinary and bowel elimination.
Herbs for Weight Control
Herbs can perform various jobs in weight management, including appetite suppression, reducing absorption of carbohydrates and fat, and stimulating metabolism. Some herbal foods commonly found in weight control programs (besides kelp and flax) include:
guar gum & psyllium -- rich in fiber that trap fats and keep them from absorbing (flax is excellent for this also)
legumes (beans & peas -- certain varieties, eg. kidney beans) -- have an amylase enzyme inhibitor that prevents breakdown of carbohydrates, reducing absorption
(NOTE: Do not take in combination with digestive enzymes that contain proteases, which may neutralize this effect.)
garcinia cambogia -- a fruit that contains hydroxycitric acid which blocks conversion of some calories to fat
garcinia mangostana -- may enhance adiponectin level and breakdown fat (secreted mostly by white adipose tissue; tends to be lower in individuals who are overweight)
gymnema sylvestre -- south Asian plant called "sugar killer" in India -- reduces absorption of sugars, resulting in less calories and less sugar problems
green coffee bean extract -- chlorogenic acid (CGA) may help block sugar absorption to reduce weight
green tea leaf extract -- may have a thermogenic effect, burning calories and fat
spirulina -- blue green algae that is very nutritious, stimulates weight burning metabolism, and lessens appetite
chickweed -- contains saponins that emulsify fats
lecithin (usually from soy) -- research has verified that lecithin saponins emulsify fat in aqueous media
Exercise is crucial. Go out for a lengthy walk, run, or bicycle ride, or go skating, three or four times per week, building the length and intensity gradually.
Of course, if you are seriously overweight or have other medical conditions, talk with your health practitioner before beginning any dietary or exercise program.
Green coffee bean extract, chlorogenic acid (CGA), is thought to be the active ingredient in safe, caffeine-free green coffee bean extract (Coffea canephora). It may help block sugar absorption, promoting satiety and healthy blood sugar levels already in the normal range. In initial studies, taking green coffee bean extract has resulted in weight loss, much of it fat, in overweight individuals.
Green tea leaf is rich in polyphenols. It has been linked to good health for centuries. Beyond documented benefits for cardiovascular health, brain health and healthy aging, the extract’s active components, including polyphenols such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a powerful antioxidant, that show promise for weight loss.Researchers believe green tea may have a thermogenic (calorie and fat-burning) effect, and also may inhibit fat absorption. Capsicum and green tea combine to increase thermogenesis and decrease body fat. Some studies show that green tea may have beneficial effects on cholesterol levels already in the normal range.
Yerba mate and guarana increase thermogenesis by boosting energy expenditure and metabolism. These two South American herbs provide natural sources of caffeine (20 mg per capsule) that is utilized by the body for energy and endurance.
(NOTE: Too much caffeine may cause nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness and occasionally rapid heartbeat. Not recommended for use by children under 18 years of age.)
Adaptogenic herbs like rhodiola help safely counteract adverse physical, chemical or biological stressors. Study results indicate that rhodiola may improve physical performance and mental capacity, and it promotes a sense of well being.
Bitter orange fruit naturally contains synephrine, which helps the body use energy properly, stimulates metabolism, helps with the uptake of amino acids into muscle, increases lipolysis (the breakdown of fat) and can exert mild hunger-suppressant effects.
Ginger root has been used traditionally for lypolisis and weight management, and it may have a metabolic-boosting effect.
Guggulipid herb contains guggulsterones, which, according to studies, help maintain cholesterol levels already within the normal range. Guggulsterones may help reduce fat stores due to their thyroid-stimulating activity.
Other Beneficial Nutrients
Hesperidin bioflavonoid, a phenol compound found in citrus fruit, promotes blood flow and a healthy inflammatory response by helping support healthy blood vessels.
L-carnitine helps in the transport of long-chain fatty acids. And chromium, an essential trace mineral, plays a role in the body’s natural regulation of blood sugar.
The mineral chromium is also known to enhance weight loss metabolism, and it helpful for those with blood sugar problems as well. Chromium helps transport glucose from the blood into the cells, maintaining blood sugar levels already within the normal range. Chromium may also have a positive effect on blood fat levels.
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